Mr Clean: Ensuring Cleanliness in Spacesuits for Lunar Habitation

In the ongoing quest for human habitation on the Moon, “Mr Clean” becomes paramount within spacesuits. Future astronauts preparing for lunar ventures will depend on a new generation of spacesuits, courtesy of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) PExTex project, engineered to withstand the harshest lunar environment. While these advanced suits ensure safety and comfort, they also face the challenge of preventing harmful microbial growth. With astronauts potentially sharing these suits during their missions, “Mr Clean” solutions are essential to maintain hygiene and protect their well-being.

To address this concern, the PExTex project has collaborated with the Austrian Space Forum to launch the BACTeRMA project. The primary objective of BACTeRMA is to explore ways to prevent microbial growth within the inner linings of spacesuits, ensuring that astronauts can explore the lunar surface safely and hygienically.

1. The Challenges of Lunar Exploration

Exploring the lunar surface presents numerous challenges due to the extreme conditions it offers. The Moon’s environment features a hard vacuum, wild temperature extremes, space radiation, and highly abrasive dust, all of which can have disastrous effects on spacesuits. Past missions, such as the Apollo era, faced difficulties when moon dust partially jammed the seals of spacesuits. Modern solutions, including high-strength Twaron material, have significantly improved the durability of spacesuits for extended surface use. The PExTex project is dedicated to developing spacesuits capable of enduring at least 2,500 hours of surface activity.

mr clean

2. PExTex’s Comprehensive Testing

The PExTex project, led by France’s Compagnie Maritime d’Expertises (COMEX), conducted rigorous testing on various materials to ensure the suit’s resilience. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research (DITF), a partner in the PExTex project, exposed the materials to ultra-high vacuum conditions, electrical discharge, temperature shifts, and rubbing with simulated moondust. Additionally, nuclear accelerator radiation experiments were performed at Austria’s MedAustron facility to further test the suit’s endurance.

3. BACTeRMA: Battling Microbial Growth

The Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) concentrated on addressing the issue of microbial growth within spacesuits. Traditional materials like silver and copper, known for their antimicrobial properties, were ruled out due to potential skin irritation and tarnishing. Instead, the BACTeRMA team explored using “secondary metabolites,” chemical compounds produced by microbes, which often possess antibiotic qualities. In a groundbreaking collaboration with the Vienna Textile Lab, the project team successfully developed cutting-edge textile processing techniques harnessing the power of bacterial metabolites. Key findings included the antimicrobial properties of substances like violacein pigment and prodigiosin, known for their pinkish hue.

4. “Mr Clean Solutions: Seamlessly Integrating New Textiles for Advanced Spacesuits”

Scientists are now planning to incorporate the newly developed textiles into spacesuit simulators.Mark your calendars for a momentous event in the world of space exploration – the inaugural analog field test is set to take place in March 2024, amidst the picturesque landscapes of Armenia, during the highly anticipated AMADEE-24 field campaign . German ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer acknowledged the significance of these advancements, emphasizing their potential impact on future human and robotic planetary exploration.

5. A Journey through the History of Spacesuits

The history of spacesuits, also known as Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs), is intertwined with the evolution of aviation and space travel technology. It began with the development of high-altitude suits in the 1930s, designed to protect pilots from harsh conditions at high altitudes.

The true spacesuits emerged during the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union in the mid-20th century. The SK-1 suit was developed by the Soviet Union for Yuri Gagarin’s historic 1961 Vostok 1 mission, and the United States introduced the Mercury Spacesuit for Project Mercury in the same year.

The advent of the Apollo missions during the late 1960s spurred the development of an advanced lineage of spacesuits specifically engineered to withstand the unforgiving lunar environment. NASA developed the A7L suit for the Apollo missions, which included multiple layers for insulation, integrated boots, and a portable life support system (PLSS) in the backpack.

With the introduction of the Space Shuttle program in the 1980s, NASA’s spacesuit design shifted again, and the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) became the standard suit for American astronauts.

During the late 1990s and 2000s, the era of the International Space Station (ISS) witnessed remarkable strides in spacesuit design, with continuous refinements that pushed the boundaries of space exploration technology.. Russian astronauts used the Orlan spacesuit, known for its rear-entry design that allows for quick donning.

In 2020, SpaceX introduced the SpaceX spacesuit, featuring a sleek, one-piece design with a helmet integrated into the suit and touchscreen-compatible gloves.

NASA is on the cutting edge of space innovation, actively crafting the Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU) to empower astronauts on the upcoming Artemis missions to the Moon and beyond, encompassing potential missions to the red planet, Mars. This state-of-the-art suit promises enhanced mobility, life support, and communication systems, propelling human exploration to new frontiers in the cosmos.


In conclusion, the ongoing PExTex project, in collaboration with the BACTeRMA initiative, exemplifies the trailblazing spirit of space exploration. Together, they are spearheading a new era of spacesuit technology, fondly dubbed as “Mr Clean” solutions, that will be the cornerstone of future lunar habitation endeavors. These innovative textiles, crafted by the ingenious minds behind the BACTeRMA project, promise not only enhanced spacesuit design but also hold the potential to revolutionize the textile industry on our home planet, Earth.

With unwavering determination, space agencies and dedicated scientists are propelling humanity back to the Moon’s embrace. Soon, astronauts will embark on lunar expeditions, equipped with spacesuits fortified by “Mr Clean” solutions. These spacesuits are the epitome of cutting-edge design, ensuring the utmost safety, comfort, and cleanliness during their lunar explorations. As they traverse the lunar surface, facing its challenges with confidence, they will leave no room for compromise when it comes to their well-being.

The dream of establishing a human presence on the Moon will no longer be shrouded in uncertainty. Thanks to the remarkable advancements achieved through the PExTex and BACTeRMA projects, a new chapter of lunar exploration awaits us, one where “Mr Clean” solutions will safeguard our astronauts as they delve into the mysteries of the lunar landscape. The journey back to the Moon is brimming with promise, and the future of lunar habitation shines brighter than ever, all thanks to the relentless pursuit of “Mr Clean” spacesuit technology.


1. How long can the new spacesuits endure lunar surface use? The new spacesuits developed under the PExTex project are designed to endure at least 2,500 hours of surface use.

2. What are BACTeRMA’s main objectives? BACTeRMA focuses on preventing microbial growth within the inner linings of spacesuits to ensure astronauts’ safety and hygiene during their missions.

3. Are the new spacesuits suitable for Mars missions as well? While the current focus is on lunar missions, the technology and advancements made through projects like PExTex and BACTeRMA could have implications for future Mars missions.

4. How do the new textiles combat microbial growth? The textiles developed by BACTeRMA incorporate “secondary metabolites,” chemical compounds produced by microbes that possess antibiotic qualities.

5. When will the new spacesuits be tested in the field? The first analog field test is scheduled for March 2024 in Armenia during the AMADEE-24 field campaign.

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